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Venues and Public Space Security & Safety (VPSSS)
The tragedy of the Manchester Arena terror attack transformed societal expectations for venue and public space. The subsequent campaign for statutory reform led by Figen Murray (Martyn's Law) continues to shape statutes.
In moving to comply with the requirements of any new legislation, there is a clear danger of security and safety strategy becoming managed in a piecemeal manner and siloed practices are embedded to the detriment of holistic threat and risk management. With its very nature, well-managed security will often bring good counter-terrorism security and mitigating policies, procedures, and protocols.
Guide – Shelter – Communicate Service
ROS offer a comprehensive and best-practice implementation of VPSSS structured upon:
Guide – Direct people towards the most appropriate location. This could be invacuation as well as evacuation.
Shelter – Understand how your business, venue or event might be able to lock down and shelter people, whether staff, visitors or customers.
Communicate – Have a means of communicating effectively and promptly with users of your business, venue or event and have staff capable of giving clear instructions to your patrons.
An integration plan will be developed to ensure that external response or rescue operations will be guaranteed key resources e.g. building plans.
A planning proposal and Implementation to best ensure that the VPSSS contributes to and complements the Security & Safety Strategy.
Counter-Terrorism Awareness training for ‘ACT Operational’ and/or ‘ACT Strategic’ courses for on-duty managers.
'to mitigate as far as is reasonably practicable'
what mitigations are reasonable practicable for your organisation and industry?
Will mitigations make best use of organisational skill and resources? Can you evidence this?
How will you justify the absence of Counter-Terrorism planning? Would it be reasonable?
'to mitigate, to the best of everyone’s abilities'
'why would a Counter-Terrorism Plan be missing'?
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